Throughout Halifax and across the country ‘hubs’ are working to support and improve the daily lives of residents.
In Halifax, Nova Scotia, we've created a community of hubs & hub allies such as city planners, funders, and advocates. This community has come together to create a rich database of resources for both established and emerging hubs, as well as friends & allies.
The Hubs Project

We asked:
How do HUBS work?
What difference are they making?
How can we create and support more of this kind of success?
-Project Timeline-
-Project Results-
The Big Picture
Building on the Hubs Convening Project activities and learning of 2015/16, the United Way Halifax has now developed a 5 year plan for hubs.
Hubs Stories
Hubs that participated in the project share their vibrant stories, challenges, and learnings along the way. We've compiled their stories here to give you the opportunity to get to know your local hubs!
Phase One
The project launched November 5th, gathering together 30 interested people from business, academia, community groups, nonprofits, and government.
Want to be added to the Hubs Network?
Get the scoop on upcoming meetings and other local news and events?
Send us a message, and we'll add you!